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Read these Jowett Jupiter classic car activities - have a look-through !
Jupiters comings and goings - going back to January 2013
The Jupiter
Magazine section...
Je suis Nicois...bien sur...
Vive la France ! Fraternite - Liberte !
Aussi - vive les Bleus !!
Edmund Nankivell's Award-winning 2016 edition of the book: The Jowett Jupiter - the Car that Leaped to Fame
is now available!
Hugely, gigantically updated and improved over the 1981 version.
This one is published by Veloce - publisher of fine automotive books
It is listed on Amazon - and on Wordery: google for their website and search "Jowett Jupiter"
Prices vary but some are less than 30 quid GB
A knowledgable correspondent wrote, unsolicited:- "congratulations
on another magnum opus.
A magnificent book superbly presented.
You must
and should be very proud of it, and Veloce have done a splendid job as
one might expect they would.
I've read it through once, and after a bit
of rest I will read it all over again"
For the full book list click here
Here is Edmund Nankivell receiving from Angus Bell the JOAC Founder Stan Blyther Award for the book
at the Jupiter Owners Auto Club 2016 Buxton gathering:

And in 2020 and 2021 Edmund Nankivell was awarded JOAC's Reg Korner Trophy !
Good to mention some of the genius figures who havce done truly wonderful things for Jupiters:-
Ted Miller, Jim Miller, Scott Renner, Derek Chambers, Philip Dingle amongst USA wonder-men
Malcolm Bergin amongst splendid Jupiter people in New Zealand
plus Mike Allfrey in Australia, and in GB Drummond Black, Dennis Sparrow, Richard Gane, Simon Wood,
Pat Lockyer, Graham Berry, Chris Spencer. Let me know of more !!
Interestingly, the orginal
Javelin-Jupiter Workshop Manual of 1947/1953 is again available,
reprinted for Autobooks by Brooklands
You should be able to find it on Amazon
MB Restorations have their own website,
They are a skillful company based - yes - in Bradford, Yorkshire that in 2018 did a splendid restoration on a Jupiter
There is a smart running Jupiter now owned by a Russian museum - driven occasionally.
Our thanks to Jaak Jacobs for finding it. See this photo below:-
It is well-known that Gerry Palmer designed the Jowett
Javelin saloon car just after WW2,
and the Jupiter used many of its
Bruce Polain raced a Javelin in Australia's Bathurst circuit in 1957
and was recorded at 85mph
with just a standard 50BHP engine.
Bruce Polain tells us he has learned that - although Palmer had no access to a
years later a Javelin was assessed at 0.38 which is almost a
match for the E-type Jaguar !

not follow Edmund Nankivell on
Twits-here, on Handbook,
and of course on Whobute
On 1st July 2021 Edmund Nankivell (left)
was presemted with the Jupiter Owners Auto Club annual Reg Korner Trophy
by Dave Stimpson (right). Dave is the Chairman of the Jupiter Owners Auto Club

Some splendid people who have done (are doing) superb things for Jupiters include
in the USA - Ted Miller, Jim Miller Scott Renner, Derek Chambers, Philip Dingle
Malcolm Bergin has done great things for New Zealand Jupiter people, and Mike Allfrey in Australia.
Others include Pat Lockyer, Drummond Black, Richard Gane, Simon Wood, Dennis Sparrow, Craig Ainge, Pete Dixon
Your suggestions welcomed !
Here below is Peter Dixon's superbly, accurately, restored Jowett Jupiter Type R1
Here it is on display at the London Classic Car show at Syon Park 25 to 27 June 2021.
This R1 Jupiter won the 1500cc class at Le Mans in 1952.

This image, below, was found in the New Zealand Jowett Club's magazine Flat Four for June/July 2021
You will notice four Jupiters on the left, plus the Jupiter chassis in
the centre:-

Below:- the cover photo of Auto Sportsman magazine of August 1953

Above:- This Jupiter is offered by Classic Car Auctions at The
London Classic Car Show Sale on 26th June 2021
Below:- the interior of a Jupiter that found its way to Poland in 2012 - originally from the USA
and has been brilliantly restored by classc-car specialist Mikek Stefaniak of Lodz in central Poland

Below:- This gorgeous blue Jupiter is a special-bodied variant constructed by the coachbuilder Rawson.
The coachbuilder Rawson bodied four Jupiters - this is their first - and this and another two of the four survive.
first owner was Sir Hugh Bell (the father of racing-driver Derek Bell)
who was the very first private-owner of a Jowett Jupiter.
This one was sold (1 April 2021) at a Brightwells auction, vendor hoping for GB45,000quid to GB50,000quid
but the "sale price" was a reasonable price for a Jupiter - GB35,795.quid of which Brightwells costs were GB3,835quid

This red Jupiter below, a very late Mk1a, as of 2019 was in a workshop in France - named Cahors Auto Retro
As of March 2021 all work completed and the car for sale,its French owner looking for 38,000 Euros

Red Jupiter below shows John Holloway & Sue parading through Auckland, New Zealand, in their Jupiter
with an exact silver replica of the America's Cup in 2000 when that yachting series
was won by New Zealand.

Below: Also in New Zealand in 2020 this Jupiter is under careful restoration,
but now may be for sale as its restorer has decided to quit.

This (photo below) is a very
early Jupiter has been in France since originally sold in December
1950. It has the strakes as the very early competition Jupiters had -
it is the only non-Factory-competition Jupiter to have the strakes on
its sides so it is a very important Jupiter which has had some
successful rally results in France
It is a running car currently undergoing some machanical work in a garage in Lot-et-Garonne, south-west France.
This Classic-car garage is operated by a Welshman

Below: recently found, this image of a Jupiter under expert restoration in Brazil
Company name R&E Restauracoes of Sao Paulo
It was shipped new to Brazil, and its history is known back to 1977

This ex-USA Jupiter came to Britain c. 2000 in need of restoration. Much work done 2008-2013
Now owned by a Briton who lives and works in Zurich so that is where he is taking it to, as of January 2021
Some more finishing work still needed

An interesting Mk1a Jupiter is under restoration by Tony Young
Its first owner W E R Pitt drove it in the August 1963 London to Languedoc Rally

In October 2020 we learned with great sadness of the passing of Dr John Blaze.
He acquired his Jupiter in 1972 and joined JOAC
to be Liason officer 1973 to 1977, becoming Vice-chair in 1983
always attending Jupiter gatherings wherever. He was an excellent piano, harpsochord and organ player which meant he was also excellent
at making small but needed components for Jupiter interiors such as woodrim steering wheels and door tops.
As a knowlegeable engineer he had access to a good workshop.
In 2017 he suffered a stroke from which he did not recover.
A truly great multi-talented Jupiter-man who is sorely missed
It was also with great sadness that in July 2020 we learned of the sudden passing of long-time Jupiter-man Tom Chapman
He was a marvellous character of good humour and a jolly nature, but also a superb editor of the JOAC magazine
"By Jupiter"
for many years and as a superb craftsman he did top-class restoration work on
three standard Jupiters
he had a lovely running Jupiter OTB 73 often seen at meetings.
He was a kind, generous and very helpful man who will be greatly missed by Jupiter Club members and his family.
One of his top-class Jupiter projects was the superb full restoration on an Abbott-bodied FHC Jupiter - see photo below -
which is now an exhibit in the Hellenic Motor Museum in Athens, Greece.

The French film-star Alain Delon in his very first film was driving - yes! a Mk1a Jupiter
Google Quand La Femme Sen Mele filmed in 1957
[When the woman gets
involved, or meddles...]
In London, England, there is even a Jupiter Hot Club !
Yes 2020 is the Jupiter's 70th
! In 1950 on March 27th the first complete Jupiter was ready
after 14 weeks of strenuous effort
This - even though the chassis, originally designed at ERA, had been around since mid-1949
And of course at the 1950 Le Mans 24-hour race June 24-25 a Jupiter won its class ahead of an MG
And by November 1950 the first two production batches of five Jupiters per batch had been completed

This lovely Jupiter sold to new owner in California from Vancouver

Photo below - this is Jezebel !

This lovely New Zealand well-restored Jupiter was bought in 2010 by Bunty Condon and she loves driving it to meetings etc
Here - above - it is receiving standard maintenance work by other New Zealanders
Recently arrived, a photo (below) of an
early-restored Jupiter. Bought by Alvin Smith from a breaker's yard in
1959 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
Its very poor condition reversed and it was on the road and in use by
Still an extremely nice running car after further restoration.
Often seen at meetings in the south of England

Ib Rasmussen of Denmark drove his Jupiter in the 16th to 19th May 2019 Mille Miglia for classic cars
Here below is his Jupiter photographed in Brescia in northern Italy

Below: seen in the New Zealand Jowett magazine Flat Four Oct/Nov 2019, this image of CDR3
which is a Jupiter replica cleverly built in NZ on a modified CD Bradford chassis

Here below is a photo of Jupiter chassis 423 in Poland under slow but thorough professional restoration.
Piotr Nowakowski imported from the USA to Poland three very "project" Jupiters and they are being very well restored there.

Jupiter Owners Auto Club AGM of August 2019 held a big meeting was at Market Harborough

See below,
here at Market Harborough we saw the beautiful blue Jupiter of Len and
Sue Peach
(as well as the whizzo blue Jupiter of Richard Gane)
As Huddie Ledbetter (aka Lead Belly) sang:- Good morning blues, blues how do you do?
I'm doing all right, good morning, how are you?


See below the Bob Mooney Jupiter at the August 25th 2019 on Heathfield Common, the Classic Car Show,
Wakefield, Yorkshire.
Another Jupiter was there plus a Jowett 8

Here below is Patricia Le Mercier with her Jupiter in Brittany some time summer 2019

The bandleader Les Jowett of the Les Jowett Jazz Seven was born in Bradford, Yorkshire, in 1925
On this EP of 1957 his band consisted of Mike Collier trombone, Stu Emsley
clarinet & alto sax, Bernie Waterman piano, Geoff Berry guitar, Roy
Evenett bass
and Dickie Neaves, drums

Les Jowett took up playing the cornet at the age of 15 and was soon playing in brass bands around Bradford.
He studied at Cambridge University, London School of Economics and became a lecturer in Social Studies
at Luton then at Brighton Tech. All the while playing jazz. He started his own band in Brigton in 1956
From rural France or Belgium in 2019 - here is Claude Bernard's very nice Jupiter ready for an event

And here is Claude Bernard at the wheel in the same event

30th June 2019 at Brands Hatch - Harry Naeger driving his Jupiter. Photo Terry Jacob

The Jim Miller "Stars and Stripes" Jupiter (which in 2000 attended the Le
Mans Jupitour 2000)
may still be active and seen around California

This very important B.R.G. Jupiter (below) was auctioned in September
2019 at Monteira in Portugal -
its buyer paid 28,750 euros for it.
The Jupiter was just one of 127 cars in the Saragga Collection that was auctioned by Sothebys in its entirety
It is the only in-era Jupiter to have won an International Rally
outright - the 1951 Lisbon Rally -
its owner/driver was Joaquim Nogueira
Below:- About 450 vehicles were at the Southern Classics meeting at the Bluebell Line, Horsted Keynes, GB
on the 9th of June 2019
where (photo below) the Jowett Jupiter of Tony Gunton came first in the "Pride of Ownership" contest
Simon and Silvie Ray with their imaginatively designed Special-bodied Jupiter built by Simon's Dad during 1990-2000
Seen here at the Wheel Nuts Classic Car Show at Stroud 5th May 2019

Below: the Richard Keil lovely Jupiter at a recent Jowett Car Club meeting in GB

The Former GAP 6, now KAS 147, has had its restoration completed in 2019 under the skilled hands of owner Tony Gunton

Thanks to Bunty Condon, here is an image of three New Zealand Jupiters attending Upper Hutt Jowett gathering April 2019
Far right is the CDR3 - a brilliant Jupiter-like conversion of one of Jowett's CD Bradfords that had migrated to NZ

Below: - the Jupiter of Classic Car man Werner Peeters

It had a thorough restoration in Belgium with the help of Jaak Jacobs
had been rescued from the bed of a stream in California many years ago
then found its way to Belgium,
so it was a very demanding restoration.
Below:- Dog Rath with his grandson Tom, now 15 in 2019, in Doug's competition Jupiter
When raced at Bathurst in 1957 the driver of the Jupiter was very surprised to record 86 mph with just a standard 50 bhp engine.
just learnt that although Gerald Palmer had no access to a wind tunnel
at the time (nor would the budget have permitted) - years later the car
was assessed at a C.D. of 0.38 � almost a match for the E-type Jaguar.

Founded in 1983, the Harviestoun Brewery of Clackmannanshire,
Scotland have named one of their five bottled beers Old Engine Oil
Legend has it that Old
Engine Oil was dedicated to their Head Brewer - his love of classic cars.
But maybe it is
the rich, dark, chocolatey viscosity that reveals the real inspiration behind
the name
They do another bottled beer (quite strong as beers go) called Old Dubh which is Scotish Gaelic for Black Oil.
At the March 2019 UK Practical Classics Restoration of classic cars show at Birmingham's NEC exhibition
on view was the Jupiter that Chris Spencer who is a brilliant Jupiter restorer, is to restore
At the centre of the town of Peer in Belgium, the home-town of Jaak Jacobs, at the 'Cars
& Coffee' they have
every Thursday from April to September:-
CCFP classic car gatherings (CCFP is 'Classic Car Friends
However, on Thursday the 30th May 2019, they held their 2nd "CCFP goes the English Way"
Here (below left) is Jupiter owner-restorer Jaak Jacobs himself - with a sponsor of their very large and important events

The slogan at the top reads "You cannot describe the passion - you can only live it"
Doug Rath had detected aYoutube filming of Racing Jupiters - including and an interview with Richard Gane
and film of his Jupiter racing
Line up of 3
Jowett Jupiters on display with the New Zealand Jowett Car Club, Northern Branch,
at British & Euro Car Show, Pakuranga. on Sunday 3rd March 2019.
Hot sunny day.
Hundreds of impressive cars. Enjoyed by more than 10,000 people.
Bunty Condon's Jupiter in the forefront. Image thanks to Bunty

Two Jupiters at the Belgravia Park Classic car event of 2018:- the blue R1
Jupiter of Pete Dixon and Dennis Sparrow,
and the standard but powerful
red Jupiter of Jon Root

At the above 2018 Begravia event this drawing of the R1 Jupiter was sketched by quirky artist Robbie MacGregor
Coloured blue by Pete Dixon

At Peer in Belgium, home-town of Jupiter-man Jaak Jacobs
every Thursday in the summer months there is a meeting of classic cars at a coffee-bar named Cars and Coffee.
Here below is an image from Australia taken in November 2018 -
thanks to Doug Rath for this Facebook photo -
his Jupiter is the white
This was the Club Run to Queensland's Woodford Narrow-gauge railway
followed by a lovely lunch at the Woodford Gardens restaurant

The Switzerland Jowett gathering of 28th to 30th September 2018 has been and gone.
Andy Jackson reports: there were many nationalities attending, very convivial and a nice mix of Javelins and Jupiters,
with superb weather and programme of visits. Here is a photo of the Jupiter of Guert Kampert of the Netherlands:-
Goodwood Classic Car event September 7th to 9th 2018 had a Jupiter racing and at least one other Jupiter there.
Left:- the Jupiter of John Chevers raced by John Arnold.
Jupiter veteran Keith Clements was there
his lovely Jupiter
Classic Le Mans 2018 has been and gone (7th-8th July) but the Jupiter
of Richard Gane, with co-driver Kevin Zwolinski, after various troubles had two good races.
These races were for "Plateau 2" which were for cars
built between 1949 and 1956 - irrespective of engine capacity
The contest included night racing; in their two races they finished 17th
and 20th overall,
but both amounted to Class Wins for 1500cc cars.
Below:- Richard Gane driving successfully his blue Jupiter wearing the number 32. Photo Keith Clements

Below - Richard Gane's fast racing Jupiter, this picture taken recently at Donnington

In the far-east island Macau, vintage car lovers have
a rendezvous in 2018 on Saturday September 1st at Fishermans Wharf,
where a
collection of 50 cars aged 20 years old or more will be showcased
The oldest
model being exhibited, this Jowett Jupiter, belongs to the racing driver who
started the project with Mr Lam.
This is Jupiter E2 SA 285R

Jupiters seen in Yorkshire at the JOAC August 2018 meeting at Helmsley

Seen at Goodwood on 5th August the 2018 (Classic Car Sunday) the Jupiter that for many years was GAP 6
Brilliantly-made coachbuilt close replica of standard SA Jupiter

See (below) an Aston Martin car released in 1948 but only 15 made.
First called the Aston Martin 2-litre Sports car, then the DB1
Have we seen a similar style of car somewhere else?

Jon Root took his lovely red Jupiter to the 17th June 2018 St Johns Wood Classic Car & Supercar pageant.
Here below is Richard Keil and his Jupiter at the Goodwood Classic Car event in 2017
It was on display on the Michelin stand

Seen here below Richard's Jupiter showing off the Dennis Sparrow engine
at London's St Johns Wood "The Ivy" brasserie

The 1952 Le Mans class-winning R1 appeared at the 2018 London Concours 7th & 8th June 2018
It was a "display of some of the worlds finest cars in the intimate setting of the gardens of the Honourable Artillery Company"
Address: Armoury House, City Road, London EC1 2BQ
Photo below shows this special-bodied Jupiter's extensive professional restoration now virtually complete
- the car is running and on the road.
All thanks to Graham Berry's efforts! The Jupiter's first owner was Sir Hugh Bell, father of racing driver Derek

was registered on 7th December 1950 probably the first privately-owned
Jupiter to take to the road.
Thanks to Jaak Jacobs, Edmund Nankivell found
this image (below) on the web page for the Cars & Coffee website.
cars gather there, in Peer, Belgium, weekly
We have here one of the 4 beauties from the girl band Rock and Dolls
that performed there in May 2018 sitting in the Jaak Jacobs lovely
red Jupiter

In the middle of May 2018 the Chichester MG Car Club organsied a tour all the way from the South Coast of GB
up to the North of Scotland. Here at John O' Groats are a few of them plus the Jupiter that also took the full tour

Below: two items from Australian Jowett Club magazine By Jove of May 2018
First the Mike Allfrey Jupiter at a British and other European Cars show at Yarra Glen racecourse 25/02/2018

But now a quote from none other than Oxford Don and Professor of Greek, a certain Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893)
The real measure of wealth is how much we would be worth if we lost all our money
Here is the Jupiter of Roger & Kim Chaplin, looking good !

Thanks to Keith Clements we have this picture (below) of Chris Spencer's recent acquisition
pictured here at Birmingham's NEC Restoration Show 23-25 March 2018

On 14th May 2018 members of the Chichester MG Owners Club set off for a week-long tour of Scotish highlands
mostly in their MGs.
They followed the route of the "North Coast 500". But MG-owner Tony Gunton will take his Jupiter...see below !
The tour went to Tarbert (15th May), Plockton (16th May), Bettyhill
(17th May) and on to John O' Groats on the 18th
to meet up with
the Highlands MG Owners Club - - dining with them later at Inverness - then the cars dispersed back various ways home.
NB The rally plate was fixed properly before the 'off'

In the USA this Devin-bodied Ford-powered special, on a standard Jupiter chassis and largely Jupiter suspension,
was available on eBay with the owner wanting US$9,900 - auction ended
19/2/2018 with it sold.
Jupiter chassis nr 837 gave up its chassis for this car in 1956.
Photos show the speedometer and rev-counter are from the Jupiter
- maybe more instruments!
The car went to owners in Paraguay

It still has its Jowett metal-bushed front suspension - and Jupiter wheels !! How nice if it gets its Jupiter power back !!
In New Zealand, Bunty Condon's colourful Jupiter she likes to
call Jezebel, which some define as
"an impudent, shameless,
unrestrained woman"


Another mystery - A vinyl LP record came out in 1988 - also available on cassette!
At least it had songs by the Jazz great singers Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald !! May still be available !!

Photo found on Facebook - this Jupiter is familiar to Edmund Nankivell but he can't place it - please help him !!!

Richard Keil located a web-advert for this
Jupiter, for sale in Ithaca, New York State, looking for $2500.
Scott Renner had a
difficult conversation with the vendor...
...who claimed this LHD Jupiter was never registered or titled in the USA.
He said he has its VIN but would not declare it.
It has apparently VW front
suspension and non-Jowett rear wheels, no engine, no interior.


Thanks to Jaak Jacobs we have identified a smart running Jupiter now owned by a car museum in Gorskoye, Russia.
It was new in Australia and rallied and raced there in Historic car
events before moving to the Netherlands
then Germany and now Russia.
The Kamyshmash Museum lets out a small number of its cars to the nearby
restaurant "La Colline"
where the Jupiter may be ensconced.


with Museum registration
Right: Jupiter at the "La Colline" restaurant
There are several lady owner-drivers of Jupiters although a minority of course.
Dr Lorna Jowett is a University Lecturer and owner driver...
...and here, below, is Sandra Kessell in her Jupiter

The November 5th 2017 annual London-to Brighton Veteran Car Run came and went.
Craig Ainge photographed the Jupiter of the Holroyds at the Pease Pottage services on the A23

All other Jupiter owners watched the veteran cars go by at the
former Black Lion, Patcham,
now re-named the Miller & Carter Steakhouse.
Jonathan Root was there with his lovely red Jupiter (with Dennis Sparrow).
Also were Mike and Sue Hoyle from Southampton,
Allan Ayres and Trudie from Canterbury, and Danny Nash and Edmund &
Ghislaine Nankivell.
There was also a lovely green Javelin
Here below is the Jupiter of Brian Holmes at his Queensland, Australia home

Jaak Jacobs - our ever-so-keen Belgian Jupiter owner - shows he is still young at heart !!
Jaak says Originally,
I wanted to buy a Morgan,
but in a flea-market I found a
book about Jowett - it was love !!
Shortly after I saw in a newspaper a
1951 Jupiter for sale which I bought in 1984.
It is the Jupiter in the picture below.

A video has appeared on Facebook
showing Leo Bolter driving his Jupiter to an Australian supermarket
Here is a shot from it...many thanks to Jupiter owner Bunty Condon for it:-
Below:| New Zealanders do go for colourful Jowetts!
The Jupiter on the left is the one owned by Bunty Condon.
It won the Jowett Club of New Zealand Northern Branch 92 mile fuel economy run on 3 Sept 2017 with 39.07 mpg

A JCC meeting of Jowetts was held at the Egerton Arms, Astbury near Congleton GB early September 2017

Here are two images of Jupiters with their bonnet raised. Standard Jupiter (left) and Richard Mead Jupiter (right)
Here is a Jupiter restoration image found on Facebook, we know the restoration workshop is at Novol in Poland

In Baughurst, Hampshire, England, there is a very active classic car bodywork/respray workshop,
where Jupiters are restored, and much else.
Here are a couple of photos of recent Jupiters under restoration.
As I
write this there are a good eight other cars in work including 2 Jaguars. Well done Chris Spancer !!


And now for something completely different: the Jowett Flat 4-powered supercharged Wylie single-seater
being raced at Australia's Seaforth circuit by Bruce Polain some years ago - the fastest ever Jowett-powered car

Photo from Jupiter-man Greg Jackson on the road back from the JCC big 2017 meeting in Scotland

Nicked off the internet - Vintage Car Hire of Cheshire & South Manchester.
Edmund Nankivell likes the dress of the bride !!

Images found by chance, the "Killajoule" speedy electric motorcycle - 270mph recorded.
Designed, built and driven by Eva Hakansson - that's her in the photo.

Why is it here? because it is built on a Chromium-Molybdenum lightweight steel tube frame just like all Jowett Jupiters !!

Charles Bryant's Jupiter E2 SA
544R under restoration at Horsfield & Son, Wallace Springs
Garage, Halifax (GB)
and as of June 2017 nearly completed
On 28th May 2017 Chris Freudenberg drove to Chinnor in Oxfordshire (the two photos below)
to meet friends and join other old cars in the station car park, of the Chinnor to Princes Risborough 5-mile steam railway
The Jupiter of Peter and Christina Tribble at the 2017 JCC Peebles Jowett gathering - from the Tribble Facebook posting!

Below: two photos of the Alastair Gregg
Jupiter outside a 1950s American Diner, at the village of Church
near Burton-on-Trent (which is where the best beer is brewed!)


Greg Jackson getting ready for the 2017 Drive-It-Day (23rd April)

In the centre of the town of Peer, Belgium, every Thursday in the summer months there is a meeting of classic cars
which they refer to as "oldtimers". Below is the Easter 2017 "Cars and Coffee" meeting
Jaak Jacobs and his lovely red Jupiter wished all Facebook readers a
Happy Easter

This exciting and important Jupiter is advancing to completion, under the auspces of Graham Berry.
It is reckoned to be the first privately-owned Jupiter,
its then owner being Sir Hugh Bell, the father of racing man Derek Bell.

Per Wiik in Norway has made great
strides in restoring his Jupiter.
His aim was to have it ready for the
2017 Classic Car Show Norway
which was in Oslo from 29th April to 1st May. well done Per !!

Trevor Hartley has found this birthday card at a Garden Centre near him! At Stourbridge, West Midlands...
But - it was found in 2017 - and it is not until the year 2020 that the Jupiter celebrates its 70th !

The ever-so-keen and talented
Jupiter man Jaak Jacobs has alerted me to this photo of the
Gane/John Arnold Jupiter racing at the Masters Historic Spa Francorchamps
on 17th September 2016. Photo Lucien Harmegnies

The New Zealand Jowett club
Newsletter Flat Four of Feb/March 2017 tells is that a film has been
made there, called West Of Eden
which has three Jowetts in it including the Jupiter of Bunty Condon - It is her Jupiter in this image:-

Thanks to Al Gregg a website of "Take to the Road" told us about Jowett Jupiters and the
amazing Jupiter Mk2 creation of Allan Fishburn
Those familiar with the Edmund Nankivell book on the Special-bodied Jowett Jupiter will know something
of this fine running car. If you don't have the book - buy it now!
Here are two images of a very rough Jupiter found in Virginia, USA in
2016. Yes it has been saved,
imported to GB by our hero Graham Berry and put through a good restoration.




Above: two images from New Zealand where of course it is springtime! November 2016 in NZ !
Below: Here are two images of the Jupiter that Roger and Kim Chaplin acquired a year ago (Nov 2015).
They imported it to GB. It had an excellent restoration
by Californian Scott Renner. Shown here at Tenterden KESR
station in the summer of 2016.
KESR = Kent and East Sussex Railway. It is a top-class preservation steam railway!
Kim Chaplin, on the right, is the main driver of the Jupiter
Here Colin Marshall is working on two Jupiters: his road car (left) and his racing Jupiter (right). Photos from Dave Stimpson
Here below is Shane Alce taking his
Jupiter up the Firle Hillclimb (also known as the Bo-Peep Hillclimb,
the not quite half a mile climb of the Bo Peep hill)
The East Sussex Bo Peep hill is a mile from Selmeston and 4 miles from
Firle - maybe in antiquity some South Downs sheep went missing there!
The run on 20th September 2016 was to commemorates and re-start its
1949 to 1967 timed ascent
into the highly scenic South Downs.
The September 2016 main Jupiter Owners Auto Club meeting was at Buxton.
There were 15 Jupiters in attendance but more Jupiter owners.
We were blessed by good weather and a beautiful
scenic run throuth the Peak District National Park
with many lovely
unspoiled villages
Here is an image from outside the hotel where most of us stayed.
Spares-man John Powter inspects the Richard Gane road Jupiter

Well, the July 2016's Le Mans Classic has been and gone. The Richard Gane/John Arnold Jupiter in Plateau 2 did well.
Plateau is the car's age group (1949 to 1956) not engine size.
There was also a class for drum-braked cars of up to 1500cc
There were
three 6-lap races - the Jupiter averaged a good 81mph in all of them.
Clicking in and out of overgrive top enabled the high-powered 120+ mph Jupiter to out-accelerate TR2s and Morgans.
In Race 1 the Jupiter placed 10th on "Index of Performance" which takes
into acocunt engine size.
In Race 2 it placed 29th overall from 58
only 3 places behind Richard Thorne who had abandoned his Jupiter for his 2-litre 1954 Morgan Plus 4.
In Race 3 they placed 29th, well ahead of Richard Thorne at 52nd who had a bad third race.
The Jupiter was placed a very good 9th in the Index of Performance
rating covering the three races,
with Richard Thorne only 40th thanks to his poor
Race 3.
The Jupiter's class position was a very well-earned class win!
In one event the top speed of the Jupiter was timed at 111mph,
while Richard Thorne could only manage 106mph in his Morgan
These three images show the Jupiter out-performing a nominally faster car on a bend:-
Just received, this image of the well-running and largely restored prototype LHD Jupiter, still in North Carolina
but due to move to California some time soon. Driver Theresa - the sister of the late great Ted Miller

Nicked off Facebook, the New Zealander Bunty Condon two-colour Jupiter:-

2016 May the 1st at the Black
Lion, Patcham, a modest JOAC/JCC meeting this year with 2 Jupiters and
a Javelin
but almost a dozen Jowett owners.
Edmund Nankivell was very pleased to receive the award for the book The Jowett Jupiter, the car That Leaped to Fame

Hot news! The 2016 Tour de
Yorkshire 3-stage cycle race is from 29th April to 1st May.
There was a number of so-called Ambassadors who are
famous cyclists of earlier times including Bernard Hinault.
A team of 6
Jupiters, in pairs, accompanied the riders on each stage.
Here is a photo sent me by Tony Raine for the Stage 3 of the Tour de Yorkshire

Here is the lovely self-restored Jupiter of Jaak Jacobs at an old-timer meeting in Belgium.
is also involved in weekly Oldtimer Cars & Coffee meetings (from April
to September)
in the market-place of his Belgium hometown Peer.

Another well-restored Jupiter back on the road, this one restored by Scott Renner
for Roger and Coleen of California. Scott is in passenger seat:- photos by Coleen
Photo below:- the first owner of this Jupiter took it to Sierra Leone in 1953, bringing it back in 1957. He used it up to 1964.
Two subsequent owners did some restorative work until Graham Berry got hold of it and turned it into a superb example.
New owner was very well pleased when it was fully restored and ready later in 2016

Below: Snapped at Honfleur, Normandy, in 2015 after that Jupiter partook of the ANVE Rally that year

This Jupiter, below, resident in Yorksire for many years, is now getting a professional
body-off restoration, still in Yorkshire
1967-1971 it was owned by Hilditch of 39 Shircoat Rd, Halifax who had bought it
for GB Sterling 65
supposedly from a policemen in Leeds.
It was
rebuilt with a late type oval crank engine, rebuilt gearbox,
oil cooler, raised
radiator and the body was reset by a coachbuilder in Wigan.
The car was the subject of an Old Motor
article by Hilditch, March-April 1972.

Above, General Sir Mike Jackson in younger
days. He has just co-signed a letter of top army men saying
would be very harmful to the UK's security.
He owned a Jupiter 1968 to 1975, actually in Nortern Ireland during the IRA insurrection,
and it was seen on TV
when an IRA bomb had blown a hole in the barracks revealing the Jupiter.
A Jupiter has (January 2016)
arrived in England from California
where is was very well indeed
restored by Scott Renner.
Left: as found. Right: on
arrival in the UK. Below: this image gives an idea of the
high quality restoration

Dave Burrows (below) reports from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania that December 2015 weather is unseasonably warm...
and in addition to some rounds of golf he has been driving his classic Morgan and his Jupiter:-

October 2015: from Louisiana after a junkyard in Texas, Marvin in Alabama has rescued this Jupiter Project.
Good luck, Marvin
Scott Renner sent these images (and more!) of an excellent Jupiter
he restored no so long ago and he put up for sale in California: NB it is
Yes it was bought and came to Britain
Another nice Jupiter on the road, well done the Jacksons!

The Jupiter Owners Auto Club September 2015 big weekend has been and gone.
Here are some of the Jupiters that were present at Lincoln.
Another really good happenning was:- we were visited by Scott Renner
and Jim Miller from California!
So great to see you guys again!
Here we have, at Lincoln, L to R: John Blaze, Edmund Nankivell and Scott Renner

Vic Boddy sent me this from France, it shows the very fast Jupiter of Jacky Gruz,
one of about 200 vehicules de collection but
2000 vehicles and about 3000 visiters to Aix-les-Bains in the Rhone Alps.
It was on the esplanade of Lake Bourget.

The Betteridges sent me this photo taken at a classic car event in the town square of Ilkeston, Derbyshire August 2015.
They won the Best Historic Sports Car trophy against tough opposition from Healeys, Triumphs and the like.

Angela and Stephen Holroyd drove their lovely bronze Jupiter to France for the annual
Randonees des Trois Vallees 3/4-day classic car rally in northern France at the end of May 2015

Richard Gane, his Jupiter, and other Jupiters racing, where shown on the youtube website
He raced for the Woodcote Trophy at the Silverstone Classic of 2015.
Another image from Facebook somewhere. Jaak Jacobs, a superb Jupiter owner/restorer, with one of his two Jupiters

The Mrs
Cira Aalund Jupiter at a rally in Denmark 2015, with
interesting neighbour!
Nicked from Ib Rasmussen's Facebook page

Recently-knighted actors Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Ian McKellen aboard the Jonathan
Root excellent Jupiter.
Photo 22 May 2015 from MailOnLine

The Jowett Car Club GB of May 2015 rally has been and gone. This image is from Tony Jackson

This Jupiter with novel tail lighting has appeared on Facebook, it is Australian, domiciled in Victoria
It has some interesting mods including downdraught SU carbs and a Ford 3.23:1 diff with 15-inch wheels.

And this
Jupiter (below) ex-Australia, imported 2013 to Holland and then sold to
then in April 2015 was in an auction in Essen, Germany,
with the asking price in Euros equivalent to GB Sterling 34,400. It did not sell but its owner still wanted it sold

The most excellent brilliantly organised 2015 Dutch Rally came and went with so many good memories.
A total of 14 Jupiters made the trip to Schoorl, north Holland. Here are three images

Bulb fields in full bloom!! And five Jupiters!!

Eight Jupiters came from GB, these three are from Denmark, Belgium and Holland

Down under now, nicked off Facebook. The Brian Holmes Jupiter at the wedding of Neil Moore stepdaughter Jacqui

Andrew Henshal reports that the Australian Wylie single-seater special, the gorgeous fastest ever Jowett-powered
vehicle was remaining for sale with the right offers still awaited, as of May 2015.

This Jupiter below now in Norway (since 1997 when it moved there from GB)
owned by Per Wiik has been undergoing serious restoration
Chassis largely done with engine rebuilt and converted to lead-free
Bodywork gets the attention it needs, see images


Photo above right: Door B-post under restoration
Above: Ian
Hingston in New Zealand has bought for restoration this Jupiter stored
for well-nigh 40 years
Above - two views of
the Mike Chevers Jupiter at the Cafe Chaud, Angouleme, France
during the September
2014 Circuit des Rampart classic car race.
Thanks to Graham Austin for the photos, he was there also!
Above left: Richard
Keil with his recently-completed Jupiter restoration. Above right: ex-UK Jupiter in
Hungary in good running order, photo thanks to the efforts of Chris
The unique twin-cam cylinder-heads, designed for the Javelin-Jupiter engine by
Paul Emeryson,
were coming up for sale in Australia.
Here they are mounted on a Javelin crankcase

Below: Colin Marshall has been making great strides with restoring his
road-going Jupiter
and here it is nearing completion, November 2014:-

The October 2014 Australian Jowett Newsletter has these
images of the Richard Mead Jupiter of Frank Choate
and the bronze
standard Jupiter of Tim Kelly which were on the Bay to Birdwood classic car run

A long-time friend of Jupiter-man Alastair Gregg does body repairs for a
The little ex fair-ground Austin (valued at 3,500 GB Sterling) was rebuilt
for his four-year-old son
big event for the 2014 Jupiter Owners Auto Club was at Great Dunmow, Essex,
September 17th - 18th.
It was a great success!
photos of some of the Jupiters were taken by Scott Thompson of Black
Hat Photography

is Richard Gane's racing Jupiter, seen at the UK Oulton Park circuit 24th
August 2014,
with its bonnet able to be especially wide open!

Above: The
very presentable Coachcraft of Egham Fixed-head Coupe Jupiter that won a
race at Goodwood in 1954
Image on the right taken
about 1970, shows faired-in reversing light.
It was owned (but never run) by John Surtees 1990 to 2012. It came up for auction on 4th
September 2014 at Silverstone
It went for 38,525 quid which must have been a
record for a Jupiter then! It seems to have gone
to a French buyer but underwent long-term restoration by a classic car specialist in Twickenham Middlesex.
Here is an image of Ib Rasmussen racing his
Jupiter in the Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix 2/3 August 2014

The 2014 Le Mans Classic was from Friday July 4th to
Sunday 6th,
were two yes two!
Jupiters racing there: Richard
Gane's blue Jupiter (65)
and the
green Jupiter (59) of Morgan man Richard Thorne with
Roger Whiteside.
below is an image of the Richard Thorne green Jupiter at Le Mans, 4th
July 2014, next to the Richard Gane blue Jupiter. Photo
Bob Marshall via Stephen Holroyd

below is an image of the Richard Gane very fast Jupiter, racing at Silverstone in

Nicked from
the June 2014 The Javelin which is the excellent Australian Jowett Club magazine.
Interesting photographer!

least five Jupiters attended the GB Jowett Car Club gathering at Barnard Castle in
Durham, end of May 2014
are some of them outside the Bowes Museum at Newgate, Barnard Castle.
(right) thanks to Peter Tribble, he of the lovely dark blue
Jupiter, and Angus Bell (left) he of the two-tone grey Jupiter
Gane was in action at Silverstone 17th May 2014 at another FISCAR
International trohpy meeting.
picked up another trophy for his fast and precise driving.
Left: dicing
with Chris Gawne's Lancia Aurelia. Right: with
trophy awarded after the race
very nice standard Jupiter in full running order (see image below) sold
in auction on 29th April 2014
Barons Classic Car auctioneers

Jupiter (below) imported from Australia where it had done good things in the hands
of various owners
such as Best Classic at the 2009 Targa Tasmania
It turned
up this March (24th to 30th) at the 2014 Classic Car show at Essen,
Germany. Photo Jaak Jacobs

very careful Jupiter restoration under way in Bury-St-Edmunds,
Suffolk, England, by Colin Marshall
and his friend Nigel Hamlin Wright

Danish princes admire the Ib Rasmussen Jupiter in between indulging in
some slot-car racing with the lads

is the superbly restored Jupiter of Jean Carlos Macchia of Brazil.
owner knows of
three other Jupiters in Brazil, at least two of them in rough

in Brazil, the sharp-eyed Richard van Buul had spotted on a You-Tube website, amongst a huge number of barn-stored wrecks of
cars, an image of a Jupiter. Eight Jupiters were sold new to Brazil
of which three were red and one was copper.
One of the red Jupiters is
believed to have gone to California around
1953 as its engine has turned up there.

film by the famous Flemish film-maker Stijn
Coninx called Marina,
the true life of the singer/accordionist Rocco Granata...
...has received its first showing in Montreal (28th August 2013).
The Jupiter of Jaak Jacobs appears in the background in a scene.
Marshall had aimed to have his lightweight Jupiter ready for Classic Le
Mans 2014.
Here is an image of
its instrument panel:-

Below:- some Jupiters and their
owners at the JOAC meeting at Sywell Aerodrome September 2013.
Spot the Richard Mead
Jupiter in two of these images! The rainbow is authentic!

Here is an interesting Le
Mans 1950 model Jupiter available in 1:43 scale

very smart but somewhat special standard Mk1 Jupiter was auctioned at
Brooklands on 31 Aug 2013.
It has roll-over bars and a clip-on hood but has been thoroghly
restored with historic rallying in mind.
price was GB quid 20,160 and it was for sale again at a dealer
in the New Forest.
Now bought by a German enthusiast
Jupiters and other Jowetts gathered at Titsey House near Croydon on
25th August 2013 as part of a run to celebrate the 90th anniversary of
the founding of the Southern Jowett Car Club in this very area. Yes
that early blue Jowett has its Dickey seat set!

is a report of two Jupiters racing at Silverstone on 16th June 2013.
was the FiSCaR Fifties Sports Racing Car Event ...FiSCaR -
Keeping the spirit of 1950s
car racing alive
Gane started 18th and finished 14th and the Jupiters were awarded the Team
Prize. John Arnold (red overalls) drove the ex-Frank Wooley car LBY
254. Richard in the appropriate blue overalls with their mechanic Dave
Harris. Right;
Richard at Copse Corner
some niggles showed up but that was what it was about. Photos Craig
in New Zealand now, for the Brass Monkey Trial at Hampton Down (yes
it's winter there!)
Moore was the winner of Trial 1

Wilton Classic and Supercar Show (4th August 2013) came and went.
Pat Lockyer and his splendid Farina Jupiter attracted a lot of
attention, as did
this Rolls Royce bodied by the renowned Paris coachbuilder Hernri
Binder. Wilton House is the ancient family home
of my Lords Pembroke. Also present was the ex-Ringo Starr Facel Vega,
also by a French coachbuilder.
below is the prototype LHD Jupiter, which was required by Angell Motors
of Pasadena
and shipped to them in February 1951
is clearly a RHD model converted to LHD by the Jowett factory before
shipment. A careful ongoing restoration took place in South Carolina

was a photoshoot (see below) of the Edmund & Ghislaine
Nankivell Jupiters at Hassocks, Sussex,
on 22 July 2013
by Mike Taylor
an article he is doing for Classic
Car Weekly in his series Forgottem
Below: Classics
at Sherborne Castle, Dorset was on 21st July 2013.
Pat Lockyer drove
the prototype Jupiter there
it attracted a lot of interest not surprisingly!

Here below is another
racing Jupiter under preparation. Colin Marshall reports as of July
that the body panels are being worked on.

are two images showing some of the 20 Jupiters that came to Jowett Car Club UK
Basingstoke meeting 25th May 2013

There is (or was?) a website
by Kip Motors of Dallas showing a difficult Jupiter restoration
which they superbly carried out
is a recent image of the Richard Mead Jupiter of Ivan Paul in New Zealand

Below: two
images taken by Bas de Bruijn at Zolder (April May 2013) showing Jaak
Jacobs in action
in his well-restored Jowett Jupiter
Below: another
Jupiter back on the road after a long lay-up and a 5-year restoration.
done John Walters of Anglesey. Windscreen soon to be fitted.

some Jupiters still have trafficators! This photo was taken at the Black
Lion Patcham, Nr Brighton on 5th May 2013

the 2013 Bristol Classic Car Show that April, the Pat Lockyer
Stabilimenti Farina Jupiter took the Car
of the Show award
the Pininfarina Lancia into second place. Left: Pat and
winning Farina Jupiter. Right:
second-placed Lancia Farina
Alf Thomas special-bodied Jupiter, having done some Mille Miglia
retros, is now
(April 2013) residing in the Museo Mille Miglia,
address:- Viale
della Bornato, 123, 25135 S. Eufemia Province of Brescia, Italy.
Here below
is an image of the Richard Gane Jupiter, this one taken in April
2013, of his Jupiter being prepared for racing
hopes to be racing it this summer!

8th April 2013 Kiyondo Sato arrived at the Edmund Nankivell home with his truly
delightful 1925 Delage.
The red Willment FHC special-bodied Jupiter of Edmund is also in the photos.
Kiyondo was then the owner of the ex-John Surtees Coachcraft FHC
Jupiter, which was in work)
of the best films with a Jupiter is Alain Delon's first film, made in
1957 Quand la
femme s'en mele
On Youtube complete with the engine sound we know so well!
thanks to Youtube and a Russian enthusiast
is clear that Alain Delon is indeed himself driving the Jupiter very
on the subject of Jupiters in films, the 1959 "The Roadracers" includes a
climactic cameo appearance of a Jupiter in the closing scenes where the
his neat special over a cliff. The Jupiter is the stand-in for this
piece of action.
Many thanks to Andy Stevens for finding it in the
For more, read the book The Jowett Jupiter, a Car for Road, Rally
and Race by Edmund Nankivell.
Here is the image from "The Roadracers":-

Below: From
Australia: fibreglass bodied Jupiter Chassis 24 is seen here moving
towards the land of the living.
The photo is courtesy Ed Wolf taken early 2013. Braking is now full
hydraulic, engine is in work
and an overdrive is to be fitted.

Jupiters in work in East Sussex, visited on 13th March 2013.
Left: Orchard Restorations
with Stephen Holroyd's Jupiter.
Right: Nutley Sports & Prestige
Centre with Kiyondo Sato's ex-John Surtees Jupiter under an Alvis
Ace Cafe - the famous North-east London Rally & Race and motor-bike meeting
January 2013 Chris Freudenberg and his Jupiter were there!
Chris Freudenberg

RAF Museum, also on 2013 New year's day. It is the Javelin of Dr Shirlaw, and the Chris
Freudenberg Jupiter.
Dr Shirlaw and Dennis Sparrow are on the right in the photo

Found, a 1953 image of a Jupiter racing at Reeves Field Airforce base, Los Angeles, USA
from the book Runways and Racers
by Terry O.Neill:--

is another image just surfaced of tight racing at Reeves airfield in
the Jupiter of Cal Marks is just ahead of an MG:--

Someone liked the Edmund book, saying "...
have enjoyed reading your brilliant book on the
Special Bodied Jupiters.
You made a great job of it and I enjoyed the
background to the builders
then I thought I would) and then what happened
to the various cars throughout their life..."
The Edmund Nankivell very well received book on the Special-bodied Jupiters is available, click here
to read more and how to get your very own copy.
reader has this to say "...the time and research you have put into it
makes it an essential addition to the Jowett catalogue of publications.
on an easy to read and informative publication".
And Nick
Geotgano writes "want to say how much I have enjoyed it. The
fascinating field could not have been covered more comprehensively, and
entertainingly as well".
Ware, in Classic & Sports Car February 2012, wrote "Edmund
Nankivell has researched the whole variety of coachbuilt specials
created on these marvellous Bradford cars...a remarkable 200-page
record of 40 years research"
the seventh hour, of the seventh day
the seventh month the seven doctors say
be born for good luck, and that you see
The Special-bodied Jupiter book by Edmund Nankivell is out, click here
apologies to the great Muddy Waters blues singer a.k.a. McKinley Morganfield
The University of Bradford is pleased to announce the
Benjamin Jowett Memorial Scholarship for undergraduate
students. Seven such Scholarships will be awarded to
students entering the Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Department to study Mechanical, Manufacturing or
Automotive Engineering. The value of the Scholarship is
�500 and will be awarded for academic excellence on admission to the
first year.
The fund is in the memory of the late Benjamin Jowett who founded the
Jowett Car Company in Bradford back in 1906.
Gluttons for yet
more chit-chat about Jupiters might wish to jump to the Magazine overflow
page1, or to 2002 to 2005, or to 2005 to 2008.
The Jowett Car Club
now has its
own website
Well, there WAS a website, in fact
there is again such a website. But there wasn't much on it last time I
looked. It was devoted to an American clothing mill of the name Jowett Garment Factory based in El
California. Here was one of their products being modelled: visit

||Jupiter (cars!) photos||Jupiter Specification||Buy
the Jupiter
Book||Buy Crowood's Javelin/Jupiter
||Magazine Page||Magazine prior to 2002||Magazine
2002 to 2005||Magazine 2005 to
2008 ||Magazine 2009 to 2012||Main Index Page||Famous
Jupiter Owners||
||Book List||Competition
History||Production History||Jowett
Genealogy||Farina Jupiters||The
Jupi-Jaunt to Baie de Somme 2012||The Jupithon of 2012||
||Le Mans year 2000||A handbuilt car||Jowett
||JOAC big event 2008||JOAC big event 2009||JOAC Jupilee event 2012||Jupitour to Scotland in 2007||